TinkerCAD Circuit Academy #2: Basic Types of Circuits And Circuit Components

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TinkerCAD Circuit Academy #2

Basic Types of Circuits And Circuit Components


  • Understand the difference between series and parallel circuits

  • Basic circuit components and their use

Disclaimer: Having audio issues so today’s blog post will not be accompanied by a video but it should be fixed for tomorrow!


Watch these two videos to understand the difference between series and parallel circuits as well as the basic circuit components.


Draw a example of a parallel and series circuits that use a light bulb, battery, and wires. you don’t have to use any specific symbols just use your best representation of the components and label them. Try to write a sentence about how the circuit would perform.


This is the last blog post where we go into the specifics without using TinkerCAD Circuits but these basics are very important moving forward. These basics of electronics will follow us for the rest of this course. Next Monday we will be starting the actual basics of the TinkerCAD Circuits platform so stay tuned!


Make sure to email any comments, concerns, or criticism to Mitchell.Nesteruk@latinostem.org