TinkerCad Academy #1: Intro to building

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TinkerCad Academy

Part 1: Intro to TinkerCad


  • The why of CAD

  • Learning to use TinkerCAD

Teacher/Parent Prep:

Its recommended that parents and teachers go through the basics of TinkerCAD outlined in this course before you go through it with your students to make sure your comfortable answering questions.

What is CAD, and why do we want to do it?

What these short videos to get a introduction to TinkerCAD as well as a idea of how you might use it to solve a problem in a classroom or at home.

TinkerCAD also has a YouTube Channel if your interested in learning more about TinkerCad.

Discussion: Why do you think we want to design something in CAD?

Discuss designing in CAD and what the pro’s and con’s would be compared to using a pencil and a sheet of paper to design something.

Getting Started with TinkerCAD

Students should log onto TinkerCAD.  They will have to create accounts. They can log on with their Google Accounts.  

Work through the tutorials in the TinkerCAD Starters  (30 min)


Documentation (5 min)

Download the Screencastify Video tool extension to your browser. Document your TinkerCad challenges by recording a short video of yourself answering the discussion questions or showing off a creation! Save your journal’s URL for your own reference, or SHARE your video on Latino STEM Alliance’s Facebook page or @latinostem on Twitter to show us and your fellow students and community how your work with TinkerCad has been going!