TinkerCad Academy #8: Using and Practicing with Hotkeys and TinkerCAD Projects

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TinkerCAD Academy

Part 8: Using and Practicing with Hotkeys and TinkerCAD Projects


  • Have students know the basic hotkeys and begin to try to utilize them when modelling

  • Have students know where to find further projects and easy to learn from lessons on TinkerCAD’s website


What is a hotkey?

the definition of a hotkey is as follows

noun: hotkey

a key or a combination of keys providing quick access to a particular function within a program.

These become very important the further your continue with TinkerCAD and generally any program that you use.

Below are the list of TinkerCAD hotkeys and a link to the PDF to print out



These hotkeys are a major part of any software program and The only way to get comfortable with these is practice, practice, practice. To begin cementing these in your mind choose a lesson to work through from the TinkerCAD projects


You can do as many as you would like but try to complete at lease one or two while using hotkeys for everything you can. This will seem uncomfortable at first but just like riding a bike the use of hotkeys take a bit to get used to but is very worth it in the end.


Download the Screencastify Video tool extension to your browser. Document your Autodesk TinkerCAD challenges by recording a short video of yourself showing off a creation! Save your journal’s URL for your own reference, or SHARE your video on Latino STEM Alliance’s Facebook page or @latinostem on Twitter to show us and your fellow students and community how your work with TinkerCad has been going!