Lessons and Content

Each 60 minute lesson will be held on a weekly basis. Lessons begin with an introduction and outline of the day’s learning goals and objectives. Students will view a video resource where a medical industry professional details a new robot, technology, or process, followed by an engaging class discussion about how the technology is impacting life/industry. Students will then be introduced to a coding challenge that pertains to that technology, and complete the day’s mini challenge using VEX-VR virtual robotics platform. Teachers will ask students to share their screen to monitor progress, answer questions, or help students troubleshoot. After roughly 15-20 minutes of challenge time, the group will reconvene on Zoom for a quick reflection question and to share out their experiences.

Lesson 1: What is a Robot?

In this lesson students will be introduced to the general theme, health care.  Students will code a simple Vex-VR robot following step-by-step instructions.  To wrap up, students will be introduced to the idea that a robot is a device used to solve a problem. 

Lesson 2: Solving problems and navigation.

Students will explore the idea that a robot solves problems, focusing on problems in the health care which can be solved using robots.  Students will code their robot to navigate around the classroom. 

Lesson 3: Square and Loops

Students will code their robot to drive in a square and learn how using an algorithm called a LOOP students can make their code more efficient.  Students will explore some uses of robots in health care. 

Lesson 4: Variables

Students will code their robot to drive in different patterns and use variables to alter the path of the robot on various iterations of the loop. Students will continue to explore uses of robots in health care. 

Lesson 5: Sensors

Students will explore the use of sensors to improve navigation.  They will use the touch sensor and the ultrasonic sensor. They will also explore the Simulation feature in Vex-VR.  They will investigate real robots in the medical field that use sensors to navigate. 

Lesson 6: Color Sensor

Students will use the color sensor to scan for an object of a specific color and differentiate it from other objects.  They will investigate applications of sensors to navigate. 

Lesson 7: Line Tracking

Students will use the color sensor to track a line and use this for navigation. They will explore the idea of calibrating a sensor. They will revisit the idea of how real robots navigate. 

Lesson 8: Complex Bot and Research

Students will spend this lesson following step-by-step instructions to code a complicated robot. Students will also begin to think about a topic for their research project.  

Lesson 9: C.A.D and Scratch as a Design Tool

Students will be introduced to the idea of using CAD (Computer Aided Design) and a software package called TinkerCAD and Scratch.  They will also share their research project idea with the group to get feedback. 

Lesson 10: Creating in C.A.D.

Students will continue to explore how to build something from scratch in CAD.  They will have more time to research their project based on the feedback from the Share Out.  

Lesson 11: Fabrication and Designing 

Students will be introduced to the idea of 3D printing as a means of design and fabrication.  They will come up with a list of steps they will need to build their project.    

Lesson 12: Fabrication and Designing

Students will continue to work with 3D imaging as a means of fabrication.  Students should finalize their research project plans and the materials they will need. 

Lesson 13: Proposal Presentation Development

Students will review their progress on their research project and develop a short oral presentation with Google Slides to present their work.  They can share their presentations with their peers. 

Lesson 14: Product Design Review

This day should be a formal presentation to a 1-3 adult members of the community who can give feedback on the student project proposals.  Students will take turns giving their oral presentations and receiving feedback. 

Lesson 15:  Manufacture Prototype

Depending on the available time and the students, you can spend 1-3 days where the students will build a prototype of their project.  

Lesson 16: Testing|Redesign|Engineering Cycle

There might not be a discernible transition from Lesson 8 to Lesson 9.  It is important that the students get to a point where they can test their prototype and learn the failure points, so they have time to redesign and make necessary changes. 

Lesson 17: Video Production

This video will emphasize the process they went through, and not necessarily the success of their project.  The video should be short (1-3 minutes). They should not need new footage as they can take video and photos from their weekly documentation sessions.  They only need to edit and produce the video. 

Lesson 18: Final Presentations

For the final presentation of students work, you can gather students with parents to show the videos and celebrate the students year or work on this project.